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    Wildlife and Safari


    Wildlife is a precious gift from God. The term wildlife not only denotes wild animals but also takes into account birds, insects, plants and even microscopic organisms. Wildlife tourism is very popular today but is bejeweled with two perceptions. As per one opinion wildlife must be preserved and must be set apart from tourism and the other school of thought promotes wildlife tourism as a means of conservation. We at Cloud Itineraries believe in the second school of thought and have thus included a wide variety of wildlife tours covering various countries. It is not deniable that earlier wildlife tourism brought numerous challenges for government but the rise is supporting the conservation initiative taken for welfare of flora and fauna. The mounting rate of wildlife tour is due to presence of rare fauna species and beautiful collection of floral species and the fare collected from these wildlife tours is used for the maintenance and welfare of wildlife dwelling in different parks and sanctuaries. Not only this but wildlife tours create awareness among people about flora and fauna which bring them closer to nature and makes them understand the importance of ecology of wildlife. It is now crystal clear that tourism helps in conserving wildlife.

    You can choose from our wide range of wildlife tours which includes national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and preserves of India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan. All these countries are rich in flora and fauna which makes them perfect destinations for experiencing wildlife. While Nepal takes you to the famous Chitwan National Park, Bhutan is known for Motihang Takin preserve which houses the country’s national animal and Sri Lanka mesmerizes you not only with its aquatic life but majestic Asian elephants and many other animals. While visiting India, every city brings you something novel.  From ferocious Royal Bengal tigers to Asiatic elephants, India is home to a very vast variety of flora and fauna settled in its numerous national parks, bio reserves and over 400 wildlife sanctuaries. One can not only spot endangered and rare species but enjoy safaris and game drives in these wildlife preserves.

    We must keep in mind the importance of each organism on this Earth and should do no harm to them. With this in mind you can join us for any of our wildlife tour.

    Exotic Sri Lanka

    Exotic Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka is a heaven for those who love exploring beyond usual. The island country features wildlife destinations, sandy beaches, and ancient temples. This place will stun you with its natural beauty,..

    Irresistible Sri Lanka

    Irresistible Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka has been up and coming for few years as this beautiful island has been thrust into spotlight and made a part of world’s top travel destinations. This island has something to offer

    Aquatic Sri Lanka

    Aquatic Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka in one of the favourite travel destinations today. It is a fine blend of exotic beaches and Buddhist culture which makes it a dream destination for many. Featuring mosaic landscapes,